Does Money REALLY Follow Ministry?

I’ve often heard this phrase “money follows ministry.” It sounds good. It seems to make sense. And it’s a much better phrase to live by than the reverse: “ministry follows money.” Unfortunately, the latter is far too often the case.

But as I think about it, while I like the phrase “money follows ministry,” I think it is inherently flawed.

I was recently teaching my Sunday school class and I shared something I thought was common knowledge. I asked them if they knew what topic Jesus spoke about the most while He was on earth, but I was greeted with blank stares and chirping crickets of silence. I immediately knew I was a complete failure as a Sunday school teacher.

What DID He speak most about?


(Well, actually, it was the kingdom of God, but money comes in a close second.)

11 of 39 parables talk about money.
1 of every 7 verses in the Gospel of Luke talk about money.

(I did not count those myself. The Internet told me. But it’s reliable, right?)

Why did He talk about money so much? Because He knew it would be our biggest distraction. And He was right (shocking, I know).

Jesus never said money would follow ministry. He said we would have every need provided for, but He did NOT say we would live rich, fat, and full. For Jesus, money is not what followed ministry.

What did He say would follow ministry?

“And these signs shall follow them that believe…” (Mark 16:17).

He then lists off several signs (complete with snake handling, YIKES!), but none of them include money.

So… wait a minute… let me make sure I have this straight… one of the few times Jesus didn’t mention money is when He was talking about the things that follow ministry? Hmmmmm. (Please reread the title of this post now.)

If the only thing following your ministry is money, you do not have a ministry, you have a thriving business. You are not raising disciples; you are recruiting clients. And you are not a minister; you are a CEO. Congratulations on your new title. Now let’s use the gifts God has given us to actually let the SIGNS start following ministry, instead of just the money.

There’s nothing wrong with money, but if that’s all ya got, ya ain’t got nuthin.

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2 Replies to “Does Money REALLY Follow Ministry?”

  1. When you hear the phrase money follows ministry it is in opposition to many church people who believe the church can’t do any new ministry until people give more. The phrase suggests that people will give more when they are excited and see their churches ministry growing. I agree that Jesus did not say this “money follows ministry” per say, but I think he knew the importance of responding to the needs around him instead of just following “doing what he did last year.” His support did grow in Spirit and financially, as he expanded his ministry and hence the idea Money follows Ministry still holds true. Thank you for your correction of the idea that Jesus said this, I agree he did not, but as a church budgeting formula I have found in 20 years of pastoral ministry that it works.

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