A Response to Rachel Held Evans – “Why Millennials Are Leaving The Church” p. 1


I’m a fan of Rachel Held Evans. Mostly because she speaks her mind, even when she knows it won’t be popular. We live only a few miles from one another in the heart of the Bible Belt. Her opinions on many topics—the Bible, God, church, social justice, homosexuality, etc—are opinions that I hear often from countless friends in our age group.

I recently read her article for CNN, “Why Millennials Are Leaving The Church.” If you haven’t read it yet, click here.

Rachel said she’s 32. I’m 34, so we were both raised on Saturday morning cartoons, cordless phones with extendable 4-foot antennas, and Pop Rocks and Coke (they don’t kill you!). She wrote that although she has one foot in Generation X, she tends to side with Millennials on church stuff. On some topics, I could very easily say the same.

I liked her article. She’s analyzing the dilemma quite well as she often does. My dilemma has nothing to do with what she wrote. The problem is I’ve heard this argument countless times over the last several years.

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What Happened To Church?

What is it about CHURCH?

I’ve been attending since I was negative 9 months old. (i.e., conception, wait, negative 7 months, I was early), but I sometimes wonder about its relevance to my Christian walk—at least in its present state.  Continue Reading →